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St. Mary's Academy Library Homepage: Citations

St. Mary's Academy's research, innovation, and collaboration Hive in downtown Portland, OR.

Have questions about citations? Try one of these links.

 The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University provides information about fair use policies, citations, and other writing processes

MLA Style Guide -- View formatting guidelines to write papers and create citations in MLA Style format.

APA Style Guide -- View formatting guidelines to write papers and create citations in APA Style format.

Chicago Style Guide -- View formatting guidelines to write papers and create citations in Chicago Style format. 

 Chicago Manual of Style Online Citation Quick Guide: provides examples that illustrate the author-date system.

Each example of a reference list entry is accompanied by an example of a corresponding in-text citation. For more details and many more examples, see chapter 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style

MLA Works Cited Quick Guide -- Interactive Guide that explains how MLA citations work and helps you build your own.

Ask the MLA? -- This list of FAQs from the Modern Language Association covers some of the basics of formatting according to MLA guidelines.

APA and MLA Citation Game Home Page -- play an interactive game and learn how to correctly format APA or MLA citations from University of Washington.

Citation Builders

OSLIS on iPad

Click on the "Select Source Type" drop-down menu.


Select your source type. 


Once you've made your selection, the window will change into the citation builder.