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Educational Technology Resources: Swivl

Protocols, lesson ideas, and technical how-to's to conduct a digital school day.


SMA SWIVL Quickstart Guide

SWIVL Hybrid Learning Classroom Demo (non-SMA)


SWIVL User Guide


Breakout Rooms:

Q: Can I use Zoom breakout rooms for in-person learners and at-home learners together?

A: No. It isn’t feasible to have students in the classroom on individual Zoom calls. In order to preserve our school internet bandwidth, on-campus video conferencing calls should be used only by faculty/staff laptops and SWIVL iPads. Zoom breakout rooms can be used for at-home learners in small groups with other at-home learners, but not with in-person learners. 


Q: Can I use Zoom breakout rooms for at-home learners? 

A: Yes. You will use the Zoom functions (including breakout rooms) as you normally would for at-home learners.


Q: Can I drop into Zoom breakout rooms for at-home learners from my laptop/iPad in class? 

A: Yes - but you'll need to connect and disconnect audio if you are also using the Swivl. If you are teaching in-person and using BOTH the Swivl iPad and a secondary device like your laptop or your personal iPad to join the Zoom call, you must disconnect from audio in the Zoom call on the Swivl iPad, the join audio in Zoom on your laptop or personal iPad so that the students in the breakout room can hear you. You will reverse this process to resume instruction with the Swivl.



Q: Does the iPad charge while connected to the SWIVL?

A: No. The iPad must be charged separately using the lightning cable connected either to its own charging block or to the SWIVL charging block via USB.


Q: Can I use the SWIVL all day on one charge?

A: It Depends. Depending on how little a SWIVL, its markers, and its iPad are used during instruction, you may be able to get a full instructional day out of a single charge. However, we recommend charging the SWIVL, its markers, and its iPad during lunch breaks to ensure that all pieces of equipment will be available for use throughout the day. The SWIVL, markers, and iPad must be charged overnight.


Q: What can I do if my SWIVL, SWIVL iPad, or SWIVL markers are not charged? 

A: Use your Laptop or teacher iPad as a backup. The simplest solution is to teach from your devices (laptop, teacher iPad) using Zoom as normal. If your device’s speakers are not adequate for hearing your at-home learners, you can connect your device to the Apple TV which will play sound through the classroom speakers. Ensure that the SWIVL, its markers, and its iPad are plugged in and recharging. If once the equipment has fully charged something is still not working, email tech help.



Q: How often do I need to wipe down the SWIVL, SWIVL iPad, and its markers?

A: Daily and between users. SWIVLs and their accompanying equipment (iPads, markers) should be wiped down using a disinfecting wipe at the end of each instructional day of use. In addition, the equipment should be wiped down between users. 


DO NOT use cleaning spray or paper towels on the SWIVL or iPad; both cause damage. ONLY USE DISINFECTING WIPES on the iPad, the SWIVL, and its equipment.


Q: How do I clean the SWIVL, SWIVL iPad, and its markers?

A: Disinfectant wipes. SWIVLs and their accompanying equipment (iPads, markers) should be wiped down using a disinfecting wipe.


DO NOT use cleaning spray or paper towels on the SWIVL or iPad; both cause damage. ONLY USE DISINFECTING WIPES on the iPad, the SWIVL, and its equipment.


Extra Equipment:

Q: Will teachers have their own SWIVL Lanyards? 

A: Yes. Each faculty member will receive their own SWIVL lanyard. Please do your part to ensure that this equipment is well maintained, clean, and ready for use. 


Q: Do we have extra SWIVLs, SWIVL iPads, SWIVL Markers, iPad charging cables, or iPad charging blocks? 

A: No. We have adequately sourced each classroom with the equipment needed. Please do your part to ensure that this equipment is well maintained, charged, and ready for use in the room it is assigned to. 


Screen Mirroring:

Q: Can I mirror my laptop screen to the classroom projector/tv? 

A: Yes. Screen mirroring will continue to work the way it always does via Airplay (for Macs) or Air Parrot (for Microsoft Surface) or with the VGA cable.


Q: Can I mirror my iPad screen to the classroom projector/tv

A: Yes. Screen mirroring will continue to work the way it always does via Airplay. You can screen mirror the Zoom call to the projector without issue. However, if you are trying to screen share while on the Zoom call AND screen mirror to the projector from an iPad it will not work because the iPad only allows screen sharing with one application at a time - either with Airplay OR with Zoom. See the Screen Sharing section below for more details.


Q: Can I mirror the Swivl iPad screen to the classroom projector/tv

A: Yes. Screen mirroring will continue to work the way it always does via Airplay. You can screen mirror the Zoom call to the projector without issue. However, if you are trying to screen share while on the Zoom call AND screen mirror to the projector from an iPad it will not work because the iPad only allows screen sharing with one application at a time - either with Airplay OR with Zoom. See the Screen Sharing section below for more details.


Q: Can in-person learners mirror their iPad screen to the classroom projector/tv

A: Yes. Screen mirroring will continue to work the way it always does via Airplay. However- in order for at-home learners to see what in-person learners are mirroring, you must adjust the Swivl iPad to view the board/projector screen/tv that the in-person learner is mirroring to.


Screen Sharing:

Q: Can I share my laptop screen with at-home learners and in-person learners via Zoom? 

A: Yes. Zoom will continue to work the way it always does - anyone on the Zoom call can share their screen with the other Zoom participants. You can share your laptop screen with participants from home via Zoom. In order to also include in-person learners, you can mirror your laptop screen to the classroom projector via Airplay, AirParrot, or VGA cable. See the Screen Mirroring section above for more details.


Q: Can I share my iPad or the Swivl iPad's screen with at-home learners and in-person learners via Zoom? 

A: Yes - but it requires a laptop as well. Join the Zoom call without audio from your iPad AND your laptop. Share your iPad screen with participants from home via Zoom. From your laptop, use Airplay/Airparrot or the VGA connector to project the Zoom on your classroom screen for your in-person learners. Why the extra step? Because the iPad only allows screen sharing with one application at a time - either with Airplay OR with Zoom. Please note that screen sharing is not the same thing as screen mirroring. See the Screen Mirroring section above for more information. 


Q: Can at-home learners share their screen with in-person learners via Zoom? 

A: Yes. Zoom will continue to work the way it always does - anyone on the Zoom call can share their screen with the other Zoom participants. Students can share their screens from home via Zoom. Since we recommend that teachers join Zoom from both their laptops and the SWIVL iPad, you can view student's shared screen from the classroom in a variety of ways:

1) on the SWIVL iPad

2) on your secondary device on the Zoom call (your laptop or teacher iPad)

3) on the classroom projector via Airplay (to the Apple TV connected to the projector) from your laptop. 


Q: Can in-person learners share their screen with at-home learners? 

A: Yes- but not via Zoom. Although in-person learners will not be able to share their screens via Zoom, they CAN airplay their screen to the projector in the classroom via screen mirroring through Apple TV. The SWIVL can be then be positioned to view the whiteboard where the student the classroom is projecting their screen.


Teams Collaboration:

Q: Can in-person learners collaborate with at-home learners using Teams?

A: No. It isn’t feasible to have students in the classroom on individual video conferencing calls. In order to preserve our school internet bandwidth, on-campus video conferencing calls should be used only by faculty/staff laptops and SWIVL iPads. In addition, multiple- devices in one room on video conferencing calls create audio feedback that disrupts the learning environment. 


Tech Help:

Q: What can I do if I or a student needs Tech Help? 

A: Email Tech Help. The quickest way to receive help is through our email ticketing system. 




Q: What do I do if my Swivl stops/won't stop tracking me? 

A: Click the center button on the primary marker to resume or pause tracking.  


Video Viewing:

Q: Can I share a video from my laptop with in-person learners and at-home learners simultaneously?

A: Yes. To share a video from your laptop, use Airplay/Airparrot or VGA connector to project the video on your classroom screen for your in-person learners, then use the screen share function in Zoom to share the video with at-home learners. Next, disconnect from audio on the Swivl iPad, join audio on your laptop, and plug in the classroom speakers to your laptop so that in-person learners can hear the video. You will reverse the process to resume instruction with the Swivl.


Zoom Error:

   Q: How do I log the Swivl iPad back into Zoom? 

A: This is actually a network issue, not a Zoom issue. If you receive the error pictured above, it actually means that the Swivl iPad is not connecting to the network (even if it looks as though it is connected).  This is usually solved by turning off the Swivl and marker, closing all the Apps on the iPad, and then turning the iPad off using Settings General > Shut Down.  Wait 1 minute and power back on.  Then wait another minute after the iPad powers back on to see if it connects to Wi-Fi.  If, after 1 minute, the iPad has not reconnected to wifi, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap on SMA-E5.