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Women of Genesis: Books

Featured Books in the Hive's Collection

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Most, but not all, of the titles you want for this project will be in the Religious Reference Section, the 220's, 931's, and Oversize Collection.  Pro Tip: if you find one book of interest, look next to it and on shelves above and below it for books on similar topics. 

Call # R 220.92 DEE

All the Women of the Bible by Edith Deen. A biographical dictionary with more than four hundred entries providing information on each woman found in the Bible, with short descriptions of their lives, alternate spellings, biblical citations, and cross references to other entries.

Call # R 220.92 WOM


Women in scripture: a dictionary of named and unnamed women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament. Carol Meyers, general editor; Toni Craven and Ross S. Kraemer, associate editors.  Includes more than eight hundred articles profiling named women, unnamed women, and female deities and personifications in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament.

Call # 222 HAG


Hagar, Sarah, and Their Children. In different ways, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all trace their beginnings to Abraham. His wives, Hagar and Sarah, though also pivotal in the story, have received far less attention. In this book, however, noted Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scholars focus on Hagar, Sarah, and their children, from Ishmael and Isaac to their many descendents through the centuries.

Moving from ancient and medieval sources to contemporary appropriations of the Sarah and Hagar story, the authors begin with an overview of the three religions--from their scriptural beginnings to their contemporary questions. They then explore how the story was developed after its canonization, in rabbinic interpretations, in the stories of Islam, and in the teachings of the early church fathers. They also present contemporary womanist and feminist perspectives. Timely, relevant, and provocative, this book provides an entree into interreligious discussion and understanding.

Call # R 296.03 E56

 Encyclopedia Judaica

The Encyclopaedia Judaica is a 22-volume English-language encyclopedia of the Jewish people and of Judaism. It covers diverse areas of the Jewish world and civilization, including Jewish history of all eras, culture, holidays, language, scripture, and religious teachings.

Call # R 200/.3 JONES

Encyclopedia of Religion - available in hard copy AND as an eBook

Lindsay Jones, ed. 2nded. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 10735 pp. 15 vols.

The second edition of a resource that is considered a standard reference in the field. Presents a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. The original 2,750 entries have been retained, many heavily updated, and approximately 600 entirely new articles have been added by an international team of scholars and contributors.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Includes hundreds of classic Christian books (digital) selected for edification and education. 

Google Books

Historical religious documents can be hard to find in a school or public library. If the titles you are looking for are unavailable in the library, try searching for their titles through Google Books. These full-text books can help you with your research.

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